Thursday, May 2, 2013


So, currently LULU has changed some things when it comes to their ePub.  Because of this I had to take FROM THIS DAY FORWARD off the site and redo it to prepare it for and Barnes and Nobles ePub.  B and N requires Headers and Footers, which I didn't need because it was in Adobe format (PDF).  They have gotten rid of their specific type of Adobe format and so now those of us who used it had to redo the ebooks.  Which after much editing on my part, I now have to line my pages up again.  So it will be available again soon for all of us NOOK and KINDLE folks.  While I'm at it, I will be posting my other books finally. Might as well post them all.

In the meantime, I have finished several articles for this blog.  After some editing they will be posted in the next couple of weeks.

Finding time to write and work on current novels is proving difficult, but I am making progress.  It is slow, but it's progress.

I'm still surprised to get reviews and Likes on my stories!  Thank you so much for reading and commenting.  I know they seriously need to be re-edited, but I just am too lazy to repost them.  Maybe in the near future I'll make them available on another platform for easier reading or as a free book on

Til Next Time....