Wednesday, October 20, 2010

NanoWrimo Begins!

In two weeks, NanoWrimo will start. A challenge driven event for creative writers to start, write, and complete their novels. I participated two years ago and From This Day Forward was the ending result. Now, I have another BW/AM story that I want to complete, but I'm undecided which one gets to be done. So many ideas I've contemplated and plot lines that I've worked out. I've also began editing as I'm writing....bad habit...but I am not liking the editing part of this writing business. I've had beta readers and have gotten great feedback so I'm confident in my manuscripts "being clean".

Anyway, hopefully I have a new story completed and the other ones available for download.

Unfortunately, I haven't had any time to commit to my completed works. I started my TESOL class and that is taking up a lot of time, besides my family. I'm finding out that being a single parent is harder when the children get older and require more interaction with school and functions. My daughter is a Senior this year, while my middle son is getting ready for High School and H.S. Exams, H.S. tours, College tours, essays....eeeekkkk!

I'm taking NanoWrimo to focus on my writing and hopefully I can complete a book that has been waiting for me to pay attention to it for the past months/

Thank you all again for checking in.
