Thursday, March 18, 2010


Red Autumn is almost ready everyone. I have to fix a few problems in my PDF file, before I'm able to post it as a download/or print on LULU. I still want to publish it with someone, but unless I can't I'll be doing self-pub.

Breaking The Rules, I'm pitching to e-pub so we will see how that goes. Although I do want to get it pubbed in paperback, unfortunately I gets no reply every time I send it and I'm really getting frustrated.

From This Day Forward, is doing well as a download on LULU. I had some hiccups and had to fix some things that were in the PDF, hopefully they are okay now. This was really a test run for me, but I'm glad that it's doing well, it's made me a bit more confident for the other two.

Kokoro no Tomo

I have a couple of chapters already written, but as of now, no time to work on it. I have a Mother's day novella I want to put out, but don't even know if I can get that written in time. So, I have to concentrate on one thing at a time no matter how much I want to sit and write for hours without being

thanks for all the support



  1. Good luck with getting your stories published. I am looking forward to reading your new stories. Take care.


  2. Thanks Division, you've been an awesome supporter of all the writers, I'm glad to have you in my corner! ;D Thanks!
